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The Food Virgin is the home of The Food Virgin articles and podcasts, providing everything you need to know to eat any cuisine. With advice covering what to expect, what to order, what the food is like and how to eat it, The Food Virgin provides answers for people who are trying a new cuisine for the first time, as well as experienced diners who want to eat like the experts.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Holiday Cookies

So, it's that Christmas/Hannukah/Hari Raya/New Year time of year, which could also be known as "Cookie Time!"

This year, in addition to making lots of apple crumble (try this recipe here: , I'm about to move into Cinnamon Spice Cookie making mode. These are my signature cookie, if such a thing as a signature cookie exists. I think it does because I have another friend whose signature cookie is the traditional chocolate chip, which is also yummy.

To make my favorite cookie, use this recipe here, and follow the undercooking instructions (I think 9 mins is enough usually).

Anyone else got holiday cookie recipes they'd like to share?


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